Friday 13 July 2012



For the last two Fridays I've posted my FRIDAY FIVES. That's 5 sentences from a page that is a multiple of 5 on my final manuscript copy. Last week was page number 10.  This week my little teasers are from page 15. 

With only 3 weeks to launch day I'm getting really excited about it. Today I'll be ordering up my very first print copies of TAKE ME NOW and I hope to be able to tell you all about them next week on FRIDAY FIVE.

I hope you ENJOY my "in for a penny, in for a pound" Aela from TAKE ME NOW.

For every pace Nairn took he stopped to regain breath before he repositioned the crutch, followed by a reel as he forced his leg cast forward with a lumbering twist. Laughter went on the back burner. After all, how could she find humor in his predicament? The man shouldn’t be interviewing at all, at least not until he was less incapacitated. Aela swore, unbecoming words a well-brought-up young lady should never entertain, but if the ass, who clearly needed to be recuperating, wanted to interview her, then so be it.

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